Live-French’s focus is to support you so that you can speak French more confidently. We believe in informal learning that includes a lot of speaking practice, and a small dose of formal learning. Understanding French grammar rules will give you the tools to speak and be understood.
French Grammar Rules
Knowing French grammar basics is essential if you want to communicate easily in French.
We’re offering you here some French grammar lessons and exercises to practice on different topics. Some of them are taken from the Live-French Club sessions dedicated to French Grammar.
We’ve gathered for you video lessons and extra grammar exercises all in French to help you with this challenging field.
French Grammar Lessons and Exercises
Les temps
Les phrases
Le discours indirect (prochainement)
Les prépositions
Les pronoms
Les adjectifs et pronoms possessifs (prochainement)
Les adjectifs et pronoms démonstratifs (prochainement)
Les adjectifs et adverbes
Les adverbes de fréquence (prochainement)
💡 Remember, we offer full immersion programs in French for students around the world who want to improve their French online with a native-French teacher.
All the French grammar lessons above are taught in simple French.