French Immersion Online to boost your French Skills

French Immersion Online to boost your French Skills

Last updated on December 19th, 2023 at 09:28 am

Learning French is a dream shared by many people. It brings to mind romantic images of walking along the Seine, discussing art and culture, and then having a glass of wine at Montmartre. French is an official language in more than 29 countries around the world, and there are 263 million people worldwide who speak French as a first or second language. How about conquering this romantic way of living through a French immersion online course? Think of everything you are missing because you don’t speak French!

If you already know the language and you are willing to take it to a higher level you should seriously think about a French immersion program, just to assure you will get the complete picture and motivation to get that extra mile. What are some of the advantages of taking French classes this way?

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Advantages of Going in a Total Online French Immersion

It is clear that online French immersion courses offer a number of advantages that are not provided when the courses are done in a traditional French academy. Among these advantages you can find that:

  • You will be more confident when speaking French.
    When you deal with daily problems, when you have to mix yourself with native people and you face the need of communicating and getting them to understand you, you will develop a higher sense of confidence and it will be reflected when speaking a language that’s not yours.
  • It increases the ability to communicate orally.
    This is the highest objective of French immersion courses, this is an approach where you are always listening to others speaking in the language that you intend to learn (listening), and in which you necessarily have to express yourself in that same language (speaking), both situations greatly facilitate French acquisition, and it also causes an innate improvement of our ability to communicate in French.
  • Cultural Immersion.
    It is the way a language is taught live! You live the language by living the culture and vice versa. When sharing with native teachers, cultural immersion is encouraged at the same time you get a linguistic immersion, thanks to this simultaneity and having to communicate in a language that is not your mother language, you learn faster.
  • It increases the desire to continue studying another language.
    Being able to communicate in a foreign language is sometimes even better than in your own because it increases the motivation and the desire to continue studying it.
  • It promotes personal autonomy.
    This is because you are forced by the necessity to take your own decision in the right moment, this is of course referring to the use of the language.
  • It helps you overcome shyness when speaking another language
    In a French immersion online course, you will have no choice but to speak in the target language, realizing that although you are not native, others will understand you, and it is at this point where you will easily overcome the fear of speaking and shyness.

Take French Immersion seriously in your everyday life

Trying the following will help you go even further:

  • Modify all your device’s’ language settings to French.
  • Use social media to observe and connect with French speakers.
  • Search for information about interesting topics in French.
  • Use search functions to check your grammar and spelling.
  • Look for and subscribe to French language video and text sources.

The best way to improve your speaking and listening abilities is to expose yourself to native French and be able to express yourself properly is being part of a French Immersion Online experience with one of our native-French tutors, come join us at!

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